The Best and The Brightest of 2024

Age 16
BASIS Oro Valley
Oro Valley
An Eagle Scout and outdoor enthusiast since he
could barely walk, Tanish’s lifelong love for the environment has deep roots.
However, it took on even more importance when the Bighorn Fire in 2020 scorched
hundreds of thousands of acres in the Santa Catalina Mountains near his home.
Those flames sparked a new passion for climate advocacy and public policy.
“I wouldn’t have gotten any opportunities that
I have unless someone mentored me,” said Tanish.
Tanish is now the outreach director for the AZ
Youth Climate Coalition. Since schools are often the largest public energy
users, his team is working with Tucson Unified School District, the third
largest district in the state, to implement a full climate action plan that
includes solar panels, geothermal energy and green energy. The Coalition was
also heavily involved in Tucson’s successfully-passed Climate Action and
Adaptation Plan. He is also working on a climate curriculum, so that high
schoolers and even middle schoolers can learn the science behind the climate
In addition to his environmental work, Tanish
is on his school’s mock trial team. He started a Statistical Analysis Club and his Banned Book
Club is now operating in two schools and two libraries. He is part of the Indian
Society of Southern Arizona’s first youth board, the Metropolitan Education
Commission Youth Advisory Council, the Oro Valley Youth Advisory Council, and
the Governor’s Youth Commission. He also launched Jaguar Tutoring Company to
help other students who may be struggling.
“There is never too young of an age,” said
Tanish. “The earlier you start thinking
about careers and entrepreneurship, and making an impact, the more prepared you
are to actually go out and have that impact.”